
What's the matter? Doesn't that sound exciting to you?
- Narrator

A Date with Your Family is a 1950 social engineering short film produced by Simmel-Meservey, directed by Edward G. Simmel and written by Arthur V. Jones. It is primarily intended to show youth how to behave with their parents during dinner to have a pleasant time.


A father coming home from work in the afternoon is met by his wife. Their older son is completing his homework when his younger brother (Junior) comes home dirty from playing baseball and is helped to clean up by the older brother. Then the older brother meets Father to have a pleasant chat. The narrator points out that it is not the time for the son to bring up any bad news such as poor grades.

The mother and daughter wear their best dresses to the table to please the men of the family and the daughter helps the mother to set up the table. When the food is served, no one is to begin eating until the mother and father do so. Table talk is to remain pleasant and inoffensive and everyone should be themselves, without becoming overly emotional.

It is shown that the conversation should be kept light and not egocentric. As cautionary examples, the daughter complains about he clothes, comparing them to other women's, which causes negativity. The older son begins to talk and motion graphically about a fight, which displeases the father. The son then argues with his sister.

When the meal is over, the narrator points out the dishes being put away by the brother and sister while the mother and father talk. The short ends with the narrator saying that a pleasant time can be shared with the family every time if all of the instructions are followed are followed and the unpleasant actions are avoided.

Known Cast[]


MST3K Connections[]


Shorts edit
Season 1 Radar Men from the Moon, Chapter 123456789
Season 2 The Phantom Creeps, Chapter 123X Marks the Spot
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Season 4 Undersea Kingdom, Chapter 1Junior Rodea DaredevilsUndersea Kingdom, Chapter 2General Hospital, #1#2#3Johnny at the FairCircus on IceHere Comes the CircusHired!, Part 12
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