"Clay & Lar's Flesh Barn" is a song performed by Dr. Clayton Forrester and Dr. Laurence Erhardt that acts as a commercial spot for their new chain of fast-food restaurants, which serves raw, uncooked meat as its main menu item. They perform the song during Experiment #104, with a short reprise at the end.
[On the Satellite of Love]
Joel Robinson: Hey, sirs. Uh, wha--what's up?
[In Deep 13]
Dr. Erhardt: Our income if this new gig works out.
Dr. Forrester: Yes. Larry and I have developed a new chain of fast food restaurants with very low overhead because we don't cook our food.
Dr. Erhardt: 'Cause frying and broiling takes out a lot of the nutrients.
Dr. Forrester: Yes. Uh, if your body likes another body, why don't you try one of our burgers au naturel? It's, uh, ripped from the bone to your plate in seconds. It's "Clay and Lar's Flesh Barn". Ha, ha. Uh, make with the lyrics, Larry.
[Dr. Erhardt begins playing the guitar as Dr. Forrester holds up a scale model of their restaurant]
If you're tired of the same old fare
You've got a friend in Clay and Lar
All our meat is guaranteed rare
Because we don't cook it
Dr. Forrester:: You see, cooking takes out all the flavor.
If you're tired of cookin' at home
Try our meat right off the bone
If you listen, you can hear it moan
Because we don't cook it
Dr. Forrester: Stunned, killed right at your table, eviscerated, very fresh.
Now, there's no need for you to drive through
Our fresh meat will walk out to you
You'll say "hi"
They'll say "moo"
It's Clay and Lar's Flesh Barn.
Dr. Forrester: Fifteen locations to serve you. Now in Altoona.
I think I'll file this thing for you
As I always seem to do
I like working for you Clay
'Cause you're a really neat guy
- performed by Josh Weinstein with interjections by Trace Beaulieu
Behind the Scenes[]
The model Clay and Lar's Flesh Barn restaurant seen in this sketch was later used as the "Home of the Big 'G' Burger" restaurant outside the Gizmonic Institute. It was made from an HO-scale Drive-In Kentucky Fried Chicken model.[1]