"The Girl in Lovers Lane Theme" is a song from the episode The Girl in Lovers Lane. Joel Robinson, Tom Servo, and Crow T. Robot sing over the film's opening credits.
[In the theater]
TOM: The Girl in Lovers Lane.
CROW: With Jack Elam,
Not Jack LaLanne.
TOM: Jack LaLaaaannnne.
JOEL: With lots of actors
There's no time to name.
CROW: A screenplay by Jo Heims
That's pretty lame.
TOM: (softly) Pretty laaaame.
TOM: The entire crew
Feels a sense of shame.
CROW: (whispering) Shame.
TOM: If only they had
Half a brain.
They could attain
A measure of fame
From a film like Shane.
But no,
To their disdain.
The Girl in Lovers Lane.
JOEL: (whip cracking sound).
CROW: The Girl in Lovers Lane