Hercules is a character from ancient Roman mythology, based on the Greek mythical figure, Heracles.
Hercules was the son of Zeus (king of the gods) and Alcmene (granddaughter of Perseus and Andromeda, therefore technically Zeus' great-granddaughter). Zeus' wife Hera resented Hercules and tormented him, often inducing violent madness in him. Hercules had superhuman strength, which he used to perform many remarkable feats including defeating vicious animals and monsters.
Hercules has since entered into the popular consciousness as the most famous of the ancient Greek heroes, and the name "Hercules" has become synonymous with strength, heroism, and a muscular physique.
- Hercules has the distinction of being the non-monster character to have appeared in the most films used by Mystery Science Theater 3000.
- Other notable actors who have played or voiced Hercules include Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gordon Scott, David Hartman, Peter Lupus, Kevin Sorbo, and Tate Donovan.
Riffed Movies[]
- Hercules Unchained (Episode #408)
- Hercules Against the Moon Men (Episode #410)
- Hercules and the Captive Women (Episode #412)
- Hercules (Episode #502)
- The Loves of Hercules (Episode #1108)
- The Sons of Hercules: Land of Darkness, original title - Hercules the Invincible (RiffTrax)