Merry Christmas...If That's Okay is a song from the episode Santa Claus. It was also played in the credits, instead of Mighty Science Theater.
Mike: Crow, Tom and I have written and are going to perform an original Christmas Carol.
Crow: Uh, Mike, it's NOT just for Christmas It's for holidays of ALL faiths.
Tom: And don't call it a 'carol' because Carol is a woman's name and we want this to be all-inclusive.
Mike: Okay, why don't you hit it, Cambot? (Music starts)
Mike: (singing) Let us all now sing our praises to the Lord today!
Although you may not share our beliefs system
Which is perfectly OKAY
Crow: Maybe you worship an abstract being that is kind of vague
Or maybe you just worship a guy who's name is Greg
Tom: Perhaps your religion doesn't include a time called 'Lent'
But whatever your religion is, we support you 100 percent!
Mike: (as Tom harmonizes) So sit around the fire
And have a chestnut roast
Or raise a glass in toast
To Happy Day's
Mike and Tom: Donnie Most!
Tom: But if you prefer to eat Indian food on Christmas Day
I can only shrug my shoulders and say "Namaste"
Crow: (as Mike and Tom harmonizes) Personally I prefer
Turkey, gravy and salad
But let's never forget
All cultures
All: Are valid!
Mike: (as Tom "Ooo's" down a scale twice until Crow sings) So let's have peace on earth and cut out all the bull.
Crow: Moooooooo!
Mike: Let's have a holiday season that's multi-cultural.
Crow: If there's one point we'd like to make
With this festive holiday song
Tom: It's that Christmas comes
Just once a year
So for a few days
For crying out loud!
All: Can we all just get along?!?
Mike: Hey, that was actually pretty good.
Tom: It was great! It was lovely...