The Mike Nelson Commentaries are a series of DVDs released by Legend Films that feature humorous and/or informative commentary tracks by Michael J. Nelson produced while he was working for the company. These DVD bonus features would serve as a precursor to RiffTrax, a riffing project Nelson initiated with Legend before eventually separating RiffTrax as its own company.
List of releases[]
- Reefer Madness - April 20, 2004
- Night of the Living Dead - September 7, 2004
- Carnival of Souls * - March 29, 2005
- House on Haunted Hill * - September 6, 2005
- repackaged alongside the film The Last Man on Earth (which has no Mike commentary) as The Vincent Price Double Feature, January 25, 2011
- Plan 9 from Outer Space *† - June 27, 2006
- The Little Shop of Horrors * - June 27, 2006
- The Three Stooges in Swing Parade * - March 27, 2007
* Also released in an autographed edition.
† Standard edition has additional features