Tubular Boobular Joy is a song featured in the episode Outlaw, in which Mike Nelson, Tom Servo, and Crow T. Robot perform a Vaudeville musical number proclaiming their appreciation for the wonders of naked flesh.
- (On the Satellite of Love, Mike and the Bots are dressed like Vaudeville showmen)
- Tom Servo: Say fellas, there sure is a lotta skin in this movie, i'n't there?
- Mike: There sure is!
- Crow (sounding rather like Jimmy Durante): Yet despite all the acres of flesh in this film, I just can't come up with a word that describes it.
- Servo: Well, I can!
- Mike: You can?
- Servo: Why, sure! (starts singing)
- Servo: It's breasticaboobical, chesticamammical,
- Pendular, globular fun!
- Mike: Fleshical-orbalal moundular-scoopular?
- Servo: Right-o, that's the one!
- Crow: Is it gluteal maximal, tushital-crackular
- Bunular morning 'till night?
- Servo: Well, you're absotiglandular, fanny-fantastical,
- Masticafleshular right!
- All: It's an arealogical, autoerotical, tubular, boobular joy,
- An exposular-regional, batchical-pouchular fun for girl and boy.
- A latissimal-dorsical, hung-like-a-horsical, calipyligical ball,
- Crow: The most bunular-funular,
- Mike: Fruit-of-the-loomular,
- Crow: Frenchical-tongular,
- Servo: Wabitaboobular,
- Pendular-funular, fruit-of-the-loomular,
- Frenchical-tongular, wabitaboobular,
- Chestica-orbical, smorgastiboobular,
- Tushibuttcheekular ball!
- Mike and Crow: (slowly while Servo sings the above lyrics) Movie of them all!
- All: HEY!!!
- Gypsy: Hey, guys! How’s the movie?